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  • katorlando

And The Beat Goes On

Bands Can Relate

There's no denying that the music market has changed on every level. National bands are no longer selling music and rely on live shows to pay their bills. Bands in every town struggle to find venues with the budget to support entertainment of that scale. Many musicians, like us, have regrouped, adapting by scaling down to trios, duos (us) and (ugh) hosting karaoke and DJing. It is now most club owner/manager's usual response to say "How many people will you bring?" "Do you have a following?" "We expect ____ of your people, following there or___. My response is similar to below. While I spend a large amount of time on social media promoting, hence this blog, I consider the job, PART of my job. However, when it is on me to do it, that's when it'll be more trouble than it's worth- unless the venue is hiring me to do their MARKETING! That's their job to get bodies there. As entertainment, it's our to keep them there. This argument, debate is age old on FB...Case in point. I post, I share, I make flyers, I update our websites, I send flyers to club we will play, we visit club-the flyers I sent are not up or printed and up on the walls. I hand more over to manager who assures me they will be put up on the walls. When we leave, I see ONE! We are lucky that one didn't disappear! So not only do clubs put this on the entertainment but they also sabotage (intentional or not) whatever efforts we do put forth.

My latest strategy (if I have the time!) is to show up with flyers and put them up myself. Don't ask, just do it.

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